chevron_rightWhat do butterfies eat? Adult butterflies sip nectar from flowers through their tongues, which act like straws. A very few butterflies do not visit flowers, but instead feed on tree sap or rotting organic material.
chevron_rightHow do butterflies breathe? Smell? Adult butterflies, as well as caterpillars, breathe through a series of tiny openings along the sides of their bodies, called "spiracles." From each spiracle, a tube called a "trachea" carries oxygen into the body. Butterflies don't have noses and lungs as we do. Butterflies "smell" with their antennae.
chevron_rightHow do butterflies communicate? Butterflies communicate mostly through chemical signals. Males produce 'pheromones' to attract females. A few species communicate with sound. For example, the male Cracker Butterfly can produce noises with its wings.
chevron_rightHow can I tell a moth from a butterfly?
Butterflies and moths both belong to a group of insects called "lepidoptera", meaning that they have wings covered with scales. They are related in many ways. Butterflies are generally brightly-colored while moths are generally drab, though they are many dramatic exceptions to this. Almost all butterflies are active during the day, and most (but by no means all) moths are active at night. A good way to tell the difference is by their antennae. Butterfly antennae are shaped somewhat like a golf club, with a long shaft. Most moths have either simple filaments tapering to a point, or complicated affairs with many cross-filaments.
chevron_rightWhere do butterflies go at night? At night or during bad weather, butterflies will usually hang from the undersides of leaves, or crawl into crevices between rocks or other objects, and sleep.
chevron_rightDo all elephants have tusks? Unlike Asian elephants, in which only males have tusks, both male and female African elephants are tusked. However, due to the hunting pressure on tusked animals brought about by poaching for ivory, tusklessness is an increasingly common condition in African elephants.
chevron_rightHow many hours do elephants sleep? Elephants normally sleep for a few hours before dawn and again during the heat of the day.
chevron_rightWhat do you call a male adult elephant? And an adult female? Elephants have little in common with cattle, but they share with them the names for adult male (bull), adult female (cow) and juvenile (calf). Even their collective noun is the same: a herd of elephants.
chevron_rightWhat is the full purpose of the elephant's trunk?
The trunk combines both nose and upper lip and transforms them into a single powerful organ that is able to touch, grasp and smell. It is strong enough to uproot a tree, sensitive enough to pick up a pea-sized fruit from the ground, and long enough to reach foliage high in the trees. The trunk is also used to drink by sucking up water and squirting it into the mouth. Finally, elephants use their trunks for greeting, caressing, threatening, and throwing dust over the body.
The elephant's trunk has about 15,000 muscles and it takes baby elephants quite some time to learn to master its use.
chevron_rightWhat is the proper way to take care of fresh cut flowers? All cut flowers must be kept moist constantly to sustain their fresh appearance for as long as
possible. If your flowers are placed in a container with floral foam make sure to add water daily, mixed with soluable plant food suitable for flowers . Pour the mixture in the centre of the foam so as not to overflow. When receiving flowers in a vase make sure the water is clear and contains plant food. When first placing cut flowers in water be sure to cut the base of each stem on an angle and under water. This assures a greater surface area for water/nutrient absorption and it eliminates osmotic shock by eliminating air contact with the absorbing stem cells.
chevron_rightShould fresh cut flowers be placed in direct sunlight? No. Once they are cut flowers need to be placed in indirect lighted areas. Direct sunlight only accelerates the evaporation of the water and causes the flower to dry out faster and wither.
chevron_rightHow long do fresh cut flowers usually last? Depending on the flower variety itself, fresh cut flowers can last from as little as a few days up to three weeks. Tulips and irises last only a few days while some tropicals will last weeks. Proper care and of course starting with fresh healthy stock will assure maximum life span.